View Full Version : Looking for a 1980 year Panasonic 19" or 25" CRT TV

12-13-2006, 06:45 PM
I'm looking for a Panasonic 19" or 25" that was made in 1980. It must be made in 1980 and not in any other year. However, finding one is pretty non-existent. If you look back in time, did Panasonic make a 25" CRT TV in 1980, whether with a rotary tuner or digital tuner? Was Panasonic a popular brand back then? Where can I get one? I can't find one in thrift stores or electronic recycling anywhere. Thanks for your help.

12-13-2006, 10:55 PM
Panasonic TVs were pretty common back then, but finding one from that exact year will be tough. Quasar was another brand Panasonic was using in 1980. Most would have knob tuners, but there were probably a few with digital tuners. Why do you need such a specific TV?

12-14-2006, 12:46 PM
I found one that was very close in age a year or so ago, but since it was DOA I scrapped it. I kinda think it was like a '78. Found it in the ditch along a country road! I do think these were fairly common when new, and had a long service life. I know there were Panasonic 25" consoles around that time; I can only assume they built a table model. I would just keep hitting all the thrifts, craigslist, ebay, etc. Could take some time but one is bound to turn up.

Chad Hauris
12-14-2006, 07:27 PM
I have seen more Quasars from around 1980 but I did see a 1979 or so Panasonic console with rotary tuners which was dumped in a field about 15 years used an inline tube but unfortunately the CRT was broken.

Was amazed to see a 1977 Panasonic table model 19" still in use at a hotel in Toronto Canada in 1994 or so...was a rotary tuner type. Still had a great picture.

12-15-2006, 10:09 AM
Well When i used to collect late 70's early 80's TVs i found many Panasonics and Quasars by Panasonic.

Its strange how i canot recall ever having a 1980. Please explain this i am very interested. Right now, i've got an '81 Quasar with rotary tuners, a '79 Panasonic with rotary tuners and an '81 panasonic with digitl led readout and remote. I blieve it is caled "ColorPilot". This same set has a control named PanaBrite which is just a contrast control.

The Quasar was built in Frankin Park , IL "....of Japanese parts", and says Hue and Intensity like Motorola did. This was probbly around the time of the Matsushita scandals. I'd like to know more