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Old 07-22-2023, 11:08 AM
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Telecolor 3007 Telecolor 3007 is offline
I love old stuff
Join Date: Jul 2004
Location: Bucharest, Romania
Posts: 2,083
Japan, trough all not ever a British colony haves the driving on the left side of the road because they called on the British to built theyr roads and they choose the l.h.d. Canada was a British colony too and it have the driving on the right side of the road.
Anyway, driving on the left side of the road wasn't so uncommon as we think. Even in modern days. The former Austro-Hungarian empire had the driving on the left side. Forme Czehoslovakia had left driving up untill German occupation, Hungary up untill W.W. 2. Sweden, trough all not part of that empire, up until 1967.
As for colour television, I wonder if P.A.L. have had come around earlyer, not in 1967, Japan could have P.A.L. television?
Oh, Winston Churchill got behind the steering wheel in New York City and went on the left side of the road.
Best wishes 'till next time.
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