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Old 06-03-2017, 03:43 PM
madlabs madlabs is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2016
Posts: 388
Never cleaned a TV mirror but I have cleaned telescope mirrors, which I imagine are affected more by scratches. I use water and soap, a squirt bottle with warm soapy water blasted right on a chunk of smeg will usually get it off. Soak and blast. soak and blast. Garden hose type of pressure washer is good too. Just don't use anything in actual contact with the mirror. That seems to work well with dust/disuse build up.

I have also under duress used a super soft artists paint brush on a mirror that was really gunked. As it turned out the mirror was trashed but I didn't see any scratches from working it GENTLY with the brush.

You can get the mirror redone. If you look for places that make telescope mirrors you can sometimes have them do yours when they are doing another and save some dough. Can take a while that way. I had a mirror I home ground done that way, took two months but was cheap.
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