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Old 09-23-2012, 09:30 PM
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zenithfan1 zenithfan1 is offline
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: Kenosha, Wisconsin
Posts: 4,211
I like to kinda let things just roll as they will but,........I'm getting a bit tired of it now. Radiotron or Johnny, why do you not listen to the experts? Why do you argue with them? I remember being very young and I listened carefully to what people like the ones here say. I STILL do at age 30. I try to learn something new everyday. We are trying to teach you what to, and not to do. When we say the caps are bad (even if the set works) they are bad. People here have tried to tell you exactly what is wrong with every set you have posted about. I know you say complain to tvtimeisfun but he really hasn't had much to say in general on the forums. You are the one posting a lot of things and should be responsible for your own actions. I really hope you are learning from your grandpa as to repair old sets. My grandpa died before I really got to know him and he was a tv repairman in the '60's and 70's. If yours knows his stuff on old electronics, learn everything you can from him and treasure the information, and also from the wonderful members here. Most of the people here worked on this stuff back in the day and still do so it's best to just listen to their advise. MOST importantly, do not get hurt on an old tv. These things have deadly voltage inside and we are trying to keep you safe as well. When things short out LIKE OLD ELECTROLYTIC CAPS they can put line voltages on the chassis at times amongst other hazards involved in old tv repair. Some sets have one side of the ac line on the chassis at all times and are dangerous to begin with so it's best to listen. I'm done rambling now and I guess it's my job as a moderator to do so once in a while but please think about it....K?......
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Kyocera R-661, Yamaha RX-V2200
National Panasonic SA-5800
Sansui 1000a, 1000, SAX-200, 5050, 9090DB, 881, SR-636, SC-3000, AT-20
Pioneer SX-939, ER-420, SM-B201
Motorola SK77W-2Z tube console
McIntosh MC2205, C26
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