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Old 02-15-2015, 07:29 AM
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Not sure how I got here.
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Orange County NY
Posts: 3,584
Sorry there Z I guess I missed a few pages in the middle of your story.....
In #39 you have the assembly removed. A possible fix could be laying it down like
you did, put it in as close a position as possible, and tracing out the outside
perimeter of it, and making a plastic holder for it - a big circle - with cutouts
for the "cloverleaf" and silicon glue the plastic circle to the CL - maybe put shims
along the way to get position just right..... Might be more rigid than springs....
and not interfere magnetically..... 1/4" or thicker sheet plastic..... Maybe
even polypropylene, or polyethylene.... A little softer, and immune to a lot of
stuff..... Give it less brittle start....

Yes you can call me "Squirrel boy"
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