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Old 05-29-2007, 01:51 PM
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blue_lateral blue_lateral is offline
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Originally Posted by compucat
If these sets have to be setup whenever they are moved, I expect most people did not have them adjusted whenever they moved the set to another room or another house, etc. After the initial setup by the service technician, these sets probably never looked their best again. No wonder some people remember these as having a lousy picture.
Exactly. They are extremely sensitive to magnetic fields, including the one of the earth. If a roundie is going to look it's best, it should be degaussed and set up in the position it is going to sit.

Automatic degaussing is a good first step toward a "permanent setup", but II would bet the convergence will also change slightly if the orientation of the set to the magnetic field of the earth changes, even on a set with automatic degauss. I haven't tried anything like that lately. If you're curious, try it and see.

In any event, the the static convergence and purity magnets are pretty loose on most roundies. The adjustments probably move themselves if you haul the set. They always did when I moved my RCA.

Anothr reason they looked bad "back in the day" is that people either wouldn't or didn't adjust the front panel controls right. In general, you had to re-adjust if you changed channels, and sometimes even when the program changed. Most people turned the brightness up until it was blooming, and the chroma up until everybody's face was pumpkin orange, and left it that way. I had no idea roundies could produce an outstanding picture until I got my first one.

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