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Old 10-21-2017, 05:42 PM
madlabs madlabs is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2016
Posts: 388
One of my first TV memories was the space program and the moon landing. We were all glued to the TV for that. I lived in a backwoods so they were still playing Kukala, Fran and Ollie and all kinds of old reruns. We only had one station that came in well and one that came in poorly. Sometimes when propagation was right we would get a third. Dad was always too cheap to buy good sets or an antenna. I got hold of a small B&W TV and set up my own antenna made from an old antenna and some magazine article. It worked much better than Dad's so I was immediately ordered to connect it to the family set. Never shoulda said anything but I just had to boast. I made another. We didn't get a color set until we inherited my grandparent's in the early 80's.

I actually listened to more radio than watching TV anyway. More programming and stations, lots of good SW in those days.
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