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Old 06-26-2009, 05:14 PM
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bandersen bandersen is offline
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Part III - Cleaning

Thanks for all the advice. I tested out several products and techniques on those broken bakelite scraps. Here's what I came up with.

Here are the knobs that I got with this set plus a channel changer from another. I'm trying to track down two outer, brass knobs and one inner, brown knob. If anyone has some spares, I'd be happy to purchase or trade for them.

Those outer knobs polish up very nicely, but be careful not to over polish. They are plated, not solid brass. I have another set where they are down to the base, grey metal.

I used Novus #2 plastic cleaner on the knobs. Cleaning out the grid pattern is a real pain. I've used a toothbrush and toothpicks - very tedious!

Here's a 'before'picture of the cabinet. It's dirty, faded and has wax and paint splotches.

First, I cleaned it using some Dawn dish detergent diluted in warm water. Plus a little mineral spirits on the wax and paint.
Next, I'm gently buffing with a slurry of water and Brasso. Throw down some plastic - it's messy. I cleaned off all the Brasso with a clean towel and water and allowed to dry.

Next, Novus #2 fine scratch remover. Use this stuff like paste wax. Keep the rag damp while buffing then allow to dry to a haze. Remove it using a clean rag with short, quick strokes.
As Mr Miyagi would say "Wax on! Wax Off!"

I cleaned the inside too

Finally, I use Magnolia Glayzit. Heed the warning on the can - it will turn your floors into a skating rink

Here it is partially reassembled. It's not quite as dark as I had hoped for, but I think that's as good as it will get short of using stain. I'm happy with it.

Note - the CRT has already been removed. You can read about that here:

I've started poking around the chassis and have all the caps and resistors I should need. There are a bunch of bad caps and fried resistors. The guy I bought it from claimed it worked great

Coming up: Part IV - replacing bad components.

Last edited by bandersen; 06-26-2009 at 06:09 PM.
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