Thread: Cold
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Old 12-07-2010, 03:40 PM
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Phil Nelson Phil Nelson is offline
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Yah, and I'd be especially concerned about sudden temperature changes. Metal and glass expand & shrink at different rates, so extremes of heating or cooling might encourage a glass-metal CRT bond to break loose.

Extreme example: Imagine that every day I bring my roundie indoors to play for several hours, and every night I wheel it outdoors to my front porch.

Not ideal because:

1. Big temperature change.
2. Changes are sudden.
3. Hot-cold cycle is repeated often.

For long-term storage, I'd try to keep things as constant as practical, avoiding abrupt changes. Within reason, it's not like your CRT "wants" to be at a particular temperature. It's more like that scene from Wayne's World:

"We fear change!"

Phil Nelson
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