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Old 03-27-2023, 10:31 PM
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bandersen bandersen is offline
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No one unfortunately.

At the time of his death, his business had been losing money for the last three years. He also was over $100,000 in debt, plus he had just signed a new lease, and the building owner wanted money for that. The family knew nothing about Stan's business and did not live locally. They decided not to keep the business going.

Stan had no will, and since the family was not on the hook for the corporate debts, they decided not to pass the business through probate, as they thought it was a losing proposition. They simply handed the keys of the building to the building owner and walked away. After the appropriate amount of time and legal postings and newspaper advertising, the building owner claimed the merchandise as abandoned.

In the end, his tubes were bought by a salvage company. I was told they were trucked to a warehouse out of state.

The story has a few more interesting twists than given here, but suffice it to say, the tubes are gone and the business is no more.
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