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timmy 02-07-2012 03:06 PM

magnavox roundie
hey all i am picking up a magnavox roundie, phono, radio combo thursday but was wondering what type of chassis did they use. did they use there own type or did they use an rca type clone. everything is said to work including the tv,screen does light up with the fuzz because of no antennea so it sounds good but ill see. and yes its really big and probably heavy as well. yet another roundie saved...:yes:

Electronic M 02-07-2012 03:19 PM

In the beginning they were RCA clones, but maggie eventually began designing their own chassis. I'm not very familiar with the time frame that they made clones in so I can't tell you what you have, though others here may.

timmy 02-07-2012 03:40 PM

i dont know the year because i was told its not on the back nor do i know when the roundies stopped, maybe 66-67 but this one im sure this is befor 66 it looks it.

zenith2134 02-07-2012 03:50 PM

they were making rectangulars by '66

Jeffhs 02-07-2012 06:43 PM

Timmy, you will be picking up one of the best combo consoles there were when you go to get that Magnavox. Those sets were made during Magnavox's heyday, when the company was based in Fort Wayne, Indiana and the sets were top quality, like Zeniths and RCAs of that era. When you get yours working at peak efficiency you will have an entertainment unit anyone would be proud to own.

Magnavox was still making roundies in 1965. I think their first (or one of their first) rectangular sets was probably their fabulous 25" 3-way color-theatre console, which was introduced in 1966. This set was top-of-the-line, with stereo phono, AM/FM radio, 25-inch TV of course, and a remote control system that could control the entire set, including record reject, from the hand unit. These sets sold for premium prices as well -- I doubt if anyone could so much as touch one for under $800 when they were new, and they were big as all get out. These were not meant for people living in small apartments; I'm sure most folks who could afford one had living rooms at least the size of the state of Texas.

I don't want to think of what a job it must have been to transport these sets. Today there are inventions such as Moving Men, small pads with some sort of casters or other mechanisms set into them that fit under the four corners of a heavy piece of furniture to allow same to be moved without wrecking one's back or worse; however, when these Maggie consoles were new, I'm sure moving them was a real challenge, and more than one person wound up straining his back trying.

hi_volt 02-07-2012 07:57 PM

Pictures? :drool::drool:

I'd love to have a roundie combo. I have no idea where I'd put it, but I'd make room somewhere.:yes::yes:

ctc17 02-07-2012 08:21 PM

Its another one of your favorite 6JE6 hv sets. Probably uses a Fly 305 which is the same as a ctc15 flyback mounted on a slanted frame.
Have fun :arrow::arrow:

zenith2134 02-07-2012 09:01 PM

yep, my '66 rect. maggy has the 6JE6 horiz out... it pays to keep a close eye on cathode current!

timmy 02-08-2012 06:46 AM

well ill see just how good it is soon enough. this crt is grey in color but what is the difference between the green and grey color of the face. i know the green ones were early but were the grey ones the replacements? maybe this one was replaced. i will post pics when i get it.....

ctc17 02-08-2012 08:44 AM

Green comes frome the bonding material between the tube and safety glass. Zenith style. Maybe this one has timmy flavored jello or the rca style. Maybe the cataract has been removed already

timmy 02-08-2012 08:47 AM

:drool:ahhhhh, ok.....

consoleguy67 02-08-2012 10:14 AM

I have one of these sets that I picked up in October of 2011. Bruce got the purity and the convergence set up on it, and it produces a great picture. I think you'll be very pleased by the quality of your set, built when Magnavox was at the top of it's game!

timmy 02-08-2012 10:20 AM

tomorrow is the day......... the BIG pickup......

mstaton 02-08-2012 10:27 AM

If the stereo receiver is an "Astrosonic"(solid state), then it's a '64 or newer(will also have UHF). If it's all vacuum tube, '63 or older(may have Optional UHF). Mine is a '62 or '63 model with the CTC-15 clone chassis, no UHF and all tube stereo tuner and amplifier. I'm hoping to get it all going this spring. LOTS of recapping.

timmy 02-08-2012 11:03 AM

i thought the ctc15 came out around 64-65. ctc12 62-63?

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