View Full Version : And to continue on "todays electricity"

09-26-2003, 06:38 AM
and I agree that one must use caution when powering up an old electronic item that has been sitting for years, altho I am guilty of just plugging it in and firing it up. I don't "gently power up on a variac for a week" But this description of why the seller didn't plug it in was the best eBay laugh I have had in a long time. Usually I just get annoyed. Like when you'll see a tv or radio and it's like 10 years old and they will say it's bakelite, or from the 50's and you will be looking at an item that is from the mid 1980's. I checked out if this seller had any other old "plug in" items to see if they listed their theory of not plugging it in, and yep, altho this should be listed in the radio forum on AK, check out this radio and "todays juice" :)

09-26-2003, 06:44 AM
I goofed and submitted a new thread, when I meant to add to my posting "Cool Zenith tv" Check that out first and you will know what I'm "rambling" about..... LOL!