View Full Version : Noob found another

11-20-2004, 11:54 AM
I have the majority of an Atwater Kent 60 it was at a garage sale off to the side I got a free console from them (nothing speacial just took it in hopes of getting the tube radio)I asked about tube stuff in corner and she gave it to me I posted about this in gen audio lil more info there and a pic this thing is heavy! no case but maybe I'll get a call on it :) if I got this thing to work how can I get NIN or Manson cd's to play through it?

11-20-2004, 02:23 PM
hummmm I just can't picture "Closer" being played thru an Atwater Kent. :yikes:

11-20-2004, 05:20 PM
if I got this thing to work how can I get NIN or Manson cd's to play through it?

You dont: This radio is just that.. a radio..its nearly 75 years old
and has no inputs to hook up anything. I Do Not recomend trying hook
anything to this unit other than its speaker and antenna. This is not like
working with solid state. With tube receivers certain areas can reach
into the hundreds of volts. If you try to hook anything to this you
could end up frying the CD player, Yourself or both. If you want to try to
restore the unit great but I strongly advise against trying to modify it.

Good Luck

11-20-2004, 10:26 PM
if I got this thing to work how can I get NIN or Manson cd's to play through it?

If you really want to play some cd tunes thru it, you could get you one of those AM transmitters that we've discussed here from time to time. You can buy them as a kit, or already assembled. There are both tube and solid state models. I have a tube model that works quite well with a portable cd player.

Perhaps a cd of Glenn Miller would be more appropriate? :scratch2:

11-21-2004, 07:03 AM
I was joking about the manson NIN cd's I just wanted to see if you spazzed out lol but that is what I listen to. The Atwater Kent looks to be in sad shape when I get the time I will clean it up.The case they kept it's in great shape I gave them my phone# in hopes of them changing their minds :)

Sandy G
11-21-2004, 07:04 AM
The 60? Nahh-not Glenn Miller- the 60 was made in '29. Try Paul Whiteman. Wonder if it's still got the original balloon tubes in it? Hey pally, post us a picture of it w/the lid off, if you can, OK? -Sandy G.

11-21-2004, 11:25 AM
ok heres a pic of it after a really quik cleaning looks so bad it's prob just parts it make my phico look ultra clean and modern!

11-21-2004, 12:51 PM
Actually, for a 75 year old radio, that's actually in pretty good shape. I don't see any major damage to it beyond dirt and surface rust. It does look to be all original, including the S-type tubes, so I wouldn't junk it.

Sandy G
11-21-2004, 07:21 PM
Yeah, for Pete's sake, don't junk it !! These guys are reasonably common, but still, anything that old is prolly worth saving. I say "reasonably", you ain't gonna come across one every day, but w/a little due diligence, they're out there. AK made a WHOLE bunch of very similar sets, some battery operated, some-after about '28-on house current. They CAN be made to work, and while they won't win any awards for sound quality, it's still kinda a kick to see something this old & electronic still work. Personally, I think it would be an absolute hoot to hear Marilyn Manson or NIN coming out of the speaker on one o' these old guys..or even Kid Rock, or that foul-mouthed trollop, Liz Phair.-Sandy G.

11-21-2004, 08:56 PM
I was joking about the manson NIN cd's I just wanted to see if you spazzed out lol

I took you seriously because Ive actually seen people try to rig equipment
in that fashion before. :)

BTW here is a site that will give you all kinds of info on AK radios.

The unit is restorable but will take time.
Good luck

Chad Hauris
11-22-2004, 06:28 AM
I don't see anything wrong with adding an auxiliary input by soldering a phono jack cable through a cap to the volume control on a radio if someone who knows what they're doing does it, and it's a power transformer type set. If that's what somebody wants that's fine with me, it does not hurt the radio...the attatchment can be disconnected if desired.
Now on an Atwater Kent it would be more difficult to add an auxiliary input as its volume control is in the RF circuit and varies the RF gain, also the audio stages are lower in gain. It probably wouldn't work well in this case, but would in a slightly more modern superhetrodyne set.

11-22-2004, 10:26 AM
haha yeah kid rock! would be funny but NIN Closer would sound creapy on this thing! Manson seems to sound bad on anything newer then 1980 it rocks hard on both my prologics :)