View Full Version : Safety cover for Admiral 24A12 Bakelite console

Phil Nelson
12-08-2015, 01:09 PM
I finished the electronics on my Admiral 24A12 Bakelite console, but it was missing the CRT safety cover and I discovered that a plain sheet of Lucite won't do the trick.

What I found in the set was a mask-shaped piece of cardboard, with a crumbling cushion that I replaced with thin foam insulation. I hoped that the cardboard would serve as a mask, but as the photos show, it's too small. I guess it was only there to hold the cushion against the CRT.

My 24C15 wooden console has a fancy screen cover that projects out into the cabinet's CRT cutout and also forms a mask.

Was the same kind of cover used in the Bakelite consoles? I don't have the skill to fabricate one from scratch. If I can't find an original somewhere, maybe I can cut cardboard into a slightly smaller mask that doesn't look quite as bogus . . . .


Phil Nelson
Phil's Old Radios

Eric H
12-08-2015, 01:13 PM
Yes, the Bakelite sets used the same mask, or at least the same type.

The cardboard is probably original, it's used between the safety screen and the CRT, I believe it's main purpose is to hold that foam cushion

Phil Nelson
12-08-2015, 01:30 PM
Yeah, the cardboard looked original, and so did the old cushion that fell off it in chunks.

In lieu of a real cover, someone had taped a piece of plastic over the CRT.

That cover seems much too dark. Maybe they just used whatever was on hand.

Phil Nelson

Eric H
12-08-2015, 01:49 PM
I used to have an extra safety screen but it was completely fogged up so I tossed it.

There are so many of these with broken cabinets that someone must have an extra.
The 10" Tabletop version is probably the same.

Electronic M
12-08-2015, 01:53 PM
I wonder if it came with a black tinted CRT originally, then someone changed it to non-tinted and broke the safety screen, and when the owners complained it did not look the same the plastic was put on?

12-08-2015, 03:35 PM
Most of the bakelite Admirals I've come across had the nice molded, back painted plastic like Phil's 24C15.
However, a few have had a cheaper, three piece mask. A piece of cardboard with foam, a flimsy piece of opaque molded plastic and a flat piece of clear plastic.
My guess is that they went cheap towards the end of the production run. (

Phil Nelson
12-08-2015, 03:53 PM
That cardboard piece with the foam looks exactly like what I found in my set. I already made a clear plastic piece like the one shown. Maybe I'll try to cut a piece of matte board to take the place of the opaque plastic piece.

If someone has a spare cover, that would be even better, of course.

Phil Nelson

Phil Nelson
12-14-2015, 11:24 PM
I found some gold matte board at a local framing shop that's a decent color for this set. I glued some foam insulation around the back of the opening and cut a new clear Lucite cover to put in front of it. Not perfect, but it looks reasonable at normal viewing distance.

The new mask's opening is the same height as the old piece of cardboard that I found, but I brought in the D sides to cover the CRT edges. Making a symmetrical pattern and cutting it cleanly was more difficult than I expected!

I'd still prefer to have a factory original, but this will do in the meantime.

Phil Nelson
Phil's Old Radios

12-15-2015, 08:04 AM
Interesting thread. I didn't know the masks on these admirals weren't all the same. Mine is molded out of one thick piece of lucite, then reverse painted.

02-08-2016, 09:43 AM
Phil, do you still need one? I just might have one available shortly.