View Full Version : CTC11 on a agile modulator

10-30-2014, 01:18 PM
Yes, the picture is poor (too much light and reflections in the shop) but it shows the problem is solved. I have been fighting what appeared to be an IF problem on this set for a long time. Nothing checked bad, it just had herringbone on the faces of people, bad herringbone. I have suspected the converter boxes were putting out too much video signal. I bought a couple of Blonder Tongue agile modulators and after getting them sorted out hooked one up here at the shop. No more herringbone and the fine tuning works properly now! I had a lead on this a bit ago when my Channel Master converter box died and I replaced it (on my Maggie T-933) with an Insignia. Herringbone faces appeared on it. I recommend getting one of these now more than ever! It's also nice to not have to have converter boxes everywhere! Now I can concentrate on purity, convergence and other things this set needs!

10-30-2014, 02:32 PM
ditto, they are great.

Electronic M
10-30-2014, 04:23 PM
Text buzz in sound, text color fringes, and contrast/detail issues that made text hard to read, contrast/brightness issues, color issues, and a number of other maladies were eliminated or rather noticeably reduced during my agile modulator tests. I now have three wireless VHF channels ready to use (my minimum number to be comfortable abandoning my creaking yet versatile wired signal source network) and all that is keeping me from switching is the lack of time to properly rewire my video source rack to add in the modulators, and address some other issues.
One older modulator I have is especially good...I have never seen my Silvertone roundy display a better picture than with that old modulator.