View Full Version : Olympic 950 almost done - sound buzz issue/questions

09-23-2013, 01:44 AM
ok here it is I get a buzz in the audio that when you turn the volume up all the way it goes away but its not practical to blast the set , it seems to be from the video somewhere because if you turn the contrast down it goes away or becomes more quiet , if you turn the contrast up all the way it gets the loudest , so my question is this could there be something I can install somewhere like a cap that would help filter this ?
its not the sound ifs or adjustments ,its not the ground of the volume control either..... any ideas here ?

09-24-2013, 08:06 PM
The issue you are describing is common to all antique sets. it is most noticeable with high contrast pictures and white lettering on black background. there is a circuit mod that you can do for the agc section but I don't recall what it is at this time. I never worry too much about that problem as I enjoy watching the old time set with the old time conditions