View Full Version : need new steele needles for '40 Silvertone 5581

10-19-2011, 09:21 AM
anyone have some extra new steel needles for my '40 Sears Silvertone 5581
combo console...the phono is of course for 78 rpm records..just have no new needles to replace whats missing...the pickup cable is not in best shape either
what you use to replace the braided 2 conductor wire that plugs into the radio chassis socket...the oblong male 2 small pin connector is missing..its like a narrow long battery connector..plugs into the back of the recevier for magnetic pickup of the turntable..

Electronic M
10-19-2011, 12:53 PM
Here is a tip about 78RPM phono's the electric ones that use the same type of needles as the 100% mechanical phonos. Back in the day they made saphire stili that had the same shaft size as the metal ones and could be used in their place. I have a couple of saphire stili that I use in my phonos. I personally prefer to sacrifice a bit of volume in the name of extending the life of my 78's.

Unless your sure your cartridge is good it may be a waste of effort to get a needle as newer type replcement cartridges can be more affordable than having the original rebuilt.
Of my dozen or so older 78 RPM machines only three still have good cartriges (those ain't good odds).

10-19-2011, 04:54 PM
As far as the old crystal 78 rpm cartridges, I don't recall ever finding one that was still good. And, I've seen a lot of them, over the past 20+ years. I've used West-Tech services to rebuild two crystal cartridges and I was pleased with the results.

If you're sure the cartridge is good, you can get a new sapphire needle from west-tech services.

If the cartridge is bad, you can also install a current production cartridge; but, you may have to get creative with the mounting, wiring, and adjusting the tracking weight.

For tonearm wire, you could probably use the insides out of a telephone cord or a mouse cable.