View Full Version : Urgent question about tube testers.

09-04-2011, 07:50 PM
I have two options available to me, and I need to make a decision quickly. I can either purchase a Hickok AC-51 in beautiful shape that costs only $90, or I can purchase a Hickok 800K in rough shape (possibly quite screwed up) for $210. Which is the better deal? I know there is more data out there for the 800K (really just a re-named 600A), but I can't imagine that building an adapter for 9 and 7 pin mini-tubes would be that hard. Tube data (and settings) could easily be created for the AC-51 using manufacturer spec sheets for each tube. Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated. Need some guidance here . . .

09-04-2011, 09:01 PM
Tough call. I'd go for the 800K in a second if I new for sure it was repairable without spending a whole lot. The AC-51 is a pretty early tester and might be more trouble than it's worth to create adapters and such. I've seen Hickok I-177s go for about the same amount on ebay in good condition that support more tubes.

09-04-2011, 09:10 PM
I just don't know which to go with. Both seem like quite a gamble. As I understand it, the only real difference between the 9 and 7 pin minis and other tubes is the fact that they have a different base style. The adapter would really only be switching the physical connection, the electrical aspect would remain unchanged. Am I right?

09-06-2011, 02:56 PM
what do you plan to use it for?

I would not try to mess with creating my own test settings, it's more than just data from the tube manual, there's some statstics in there too.

09-07-2011, 03:48 PM
I scraped together more cash, stretched each dollar to the max, and bought them both . . .

09-07-2011, 04:50 PM
i have the old standby TV-7C (C for canadian version made by stark in ontario) which i use for most work

And an eico 667 for compactrons... You might want a couple too

09-08-2011, 06:12 AM
I figured that I might as well have two around just in-case one decides to work against me instead of for me. With my luck that's exactly what will happen too . . . :sigh:

09-22-2011, 07:09 AM
I repaired the 800k, the AC51 didn't need a bit of work. The only problem with the 800K was the line adjust potentiometer. I just cleaned up the contacts a bit and bent the wiper contact back into place. I've calibrated the 800K and it's working wonderfully. Now I have an AC51 that I don't really need. ebay here I come . . .

09-23-2011, 12:21 AM
Cool, I'm glad you got the 800K working :)