View Full Version : Pictures of newly arrived TK41C

01-05-2009, 05:52 PM
Several members wanted pictures and here are a few quickies and some more cameras that I have moved to my house from main warehouse. The 41 came with all of the standard Ectar lens'. (50, 90 and 135mm) It is missing two IO tube housings (red and blue) with the yoke assemblies. Also missing are the "Color Television" logos. (anyone know of any?) I have some brushed chrome ones from a television system that was the same but I need to find a foundry who could duplicate them so they can be painted red as were the originals.

After I uncrated it today, it has a NASA property tag next to the RCA data plate so I assume it was originally shipped to NASA in Florida. Does anyone have any info or pictures of what they used it for? It could have been used for their internal weather reports.

This camera is huge! (about 5 feet long not including lens)

Sandy G
01-05-2009, 06:05 PM
Methinks I spy w/me own widdle eye a Rolling-type Royce in th' background in Photo 2...Hubba, hubba...Julian, are there any Big Boyz Toys you DON'T have ?!?

John in MA
01-05-2009, 06:28 PM
Methinks I spy w/me own widdle eye a Rolling-type Royce in th' background in Photo 2...Hubba, hubba...Julian, are there any Big Boyz Toys you DON'T have ?!?

What, you don't have one?

Sandy G
01-05-2009, 06:40 PM
I wish...(grin) Closest I ever got was in '69 when I went to Noo Yawk as a wide-eyed 12 yr old... I cadged my mom to take me by the Rolls dealership, a salesman drew up, asked if he could help. I asked to see the motor. "I'm sorry, sir, we don't open the bonnets in the showroom." They were all locked, I din't ask him to unlock one, 'cause I knew he wouldn't. I asked him for some literature, he gave me a postcard sized pamplet, which I thought was kinda cheezy. Hey, we weren't gonna buy one of his cars, but he didn't hafta be so damn snooty, either. We also went to the Mercedes dealer, the sales guys were all kicked back eating lunch. They had a MAGNIFICENT 600 Pullman, I asked if I could sit in it. "Sure kid, knock yerself out...have a ball ! I was in it, on it, almost under it, in the front, in the back, stickin' my head outta the sunroof...Nowadays I'd LOVE to go back to NYC, & see the Museum of Broadcasting...

01-06-2009, 05:48 PM
Very awesome! Thanks for sharing. How much for the Rolls?:D

Sandy G
01-06-2009, 05:50 PM
I'd just like to see a TK-41 live 'n' in poison... I've seen Rollses several times, but NEVER a TK-41...

01-06-2009, 07:20 PM
I'd just like to see a TK-41 live 'n' in poison... I've seen Rollses several times, but NEVER a TK-41...

Well Sandy, You are close to where it is. You are welcome to come on down!

Sandy G
01-06-2009, 07:22 PM
Julian, I PROMISE ro bring a "drool-towel" w/me when I come...(grin)

01-12-2009, 10:49 PM
Old question I've had, and I don't think I have enough to go on here....I might as well ask.

early 80s, I'm a cub scout, I find myself getting to appear on the local part of the Labor Day Telethon. Included in this, we get a tour of the station. Way cool, still sticks with me. So, last week I find some clips on youtube posted by a guy who worked there back then. Here is one of them, showing the studio. I've often wondered what model cameras they had, and probably will have to keep on wondering as they never seem to show a good sideview. I know they had the 'new' RCA logo. According to TV Guide they were still airing the local news in bw into the mid-70s. The next time I talk to Clay Spurrier, who was an engineer there around that time, I'll have to ask. Fun to watch, anyway, for me and hopefully for about the 23v monitor?

01-22-2009, 07:27 PM
That was a joke video made for the christmas party. The color cameras were RCA TK-44's Clay

01-23-2009, 11:24 AM
Thanks, Clay, I had meant to ask you last time we talked! I was really thrilled to see those on YouTube. Good to hear from you!