View Full Version : Real B&W set shown working on Mad Men!

10-26-2008, 10:32 PM
I just saw a short scene with an early '60's set with a snowy picture operating as three office workers surrounded it, one hitting the side wth his fist to try to get it working. I enjoyed seeing the very well done display of accurately recreating an early '60's moment. Everything and the people looked very cool and beautiful. I am convinced that the greatest personalities and fashions were most prevelant during the late '50's through the early '70's over any other time period. I bet they will never be improved upon in any way. The set had no UHF and had that roundish rectangular 18" screen like RCA had back then. I did not recognize the set but it's authentic and I thought of the great men here at AK discussing things like the shame of gutting old sets for poorly executed time-period scenes. I think it's likely somebody in Hollywood got the message from here that old sets can be relied upon.
Thanks great men of AudioKarma!

10-27-2008, 12:31 AM
Yeah, I do love to watch Mad Men to see what tvs crop up. Quite a large number are observable in the series, though I really haven't identified any. We usually give Don Draper a hard time since he makes $45k and his family still has a B&W in (I think) 1962. I don't think the tvs are really running-or at least it isn't an off air picture, as the interference looks like it was computer generated.