View Full Version : Curious about an old Zenith B&W TV

11-22-2003, 09:19 AM

In the basement of a house I bought this year, the previous owners (an older couple), cut out a hole in the club basement paneling and put a Zenith B&W TV in the utility area so the screen shows through into the clubroom area. It's a Zenith model D2430RU. Does anyone have any idea how old this TV might be. It fires up and does display a picture. Just curious about it's age.


11-22-2003, 10:42 PM
That set is in Sams file 469, the first published in 1960. So figure on it being a '60 model.

11-23-2003, 08:06 AM
Thanks Bryan for the reply. Just curious, What is Sams file?

11-23-2003, 08:23 PM
The Howard Sams Co. publishes schematic packages for tv's, radios, etc, from 1946-on. (I don't know that they do much anymore with new sets) You can look up a model number in their index (I have a couple old copies, might be on the Sams website?) and it will tell you what file number the schematics were in. There is a chart in the book that shows which numbers were published in each year. For 1960 it shows they went from 469-512. This gives an approximate date since the release of the file would be about the time the set was brought to market (so repair shops could have the information in hand) You can often find copies of these files at libraries, or can order direct from Sams, or check with an old tv shop in your town-I'd be willing to bet someone on this site would sell, lend or email a copy if needed. I hope that clears things up!

11-23-2003, 08:31 PM

Marlin Mackley
11-25-2003, 04:38 PM
Another good source for Sams folders would be many major libraries. Tec ref section would have them, and a few dimes into the photo copier and you are all set.